High School Scholarship Program

High School Scholarship Program


Hey young artists: We want to give you $500 for college!

The Theatre Factory presents the Gary Surmacz Memorial Scholarship to a graduating high school senior who has performed exemplary service in the performing arts and will enter a program of higher learning. These are the scholarship requirements:

  1. A total of 50 hours of experience in theatre (performing or backstage), AND

  2. At least 25 hours in a non-performing volunteer capacity at The Theatre Factory, over the course of your high school career, AND

  3. A 500-word essay describing how your experiences in theatre have prepared you for a successful future.

Note: Each performing role will count as a maximum of 10 hours (ex: 2 roles in 2 productions = 20 hours). For high school performances to be considered, a program with the student’s name or a letter from the theatre department head is required.

For volunteering at The Theatre Factory, we will maintain a sign-in log that MUST be signed upon completion of each act of volunteering. It is the student’s responsibility to sign in when volunteering, and the person supervising the activity must also sign the log. In absence of the log, the student must provide proof of all volunteer hours claimed.

Completed application packets should be mailed to The Theatre Factory: 235 Cavitt Avenue, Trafford, PA 15085
or emailed to

Applications will be evaluated by a panel of Theatre Factory personnel.

Due Date: April 25, 2025
Recipients will be notified by phone, email, and/or certified mail.

Questions? Email us at hello@thetheatrefactory.org